Cosplayer, Anime Fan, and Geek!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Women in Comics 2017

Hey guys! The next convention that I will be at is  Women in Comics aka WinC Con 2017! It's a small and free convention and will take place on March 25th at the Bronx Library Center from 11 a.m.- 7 p.m. The focus of this con is on Women in the comic and entertainment industry! There will be vendors, panels, and workshops!

I went last year as Supergirl and I had a really great time! I will be attending again this year and will debut a new cosplay! There's a few things that I need to do with it. After that then it will be complete! Here's a hint (I think it will give it away lol):

 I can't wait for WinC Con! Tickets are free but you have to RSVP on Eventrite, print out the confirmation and bring it with you. Be sure to come and also tell your friends!

Here's the facebook event page:
Here's where you can get your ticket:

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