Cosplayer, Anime Fan, and Geek!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

NYCC 2016 Line up and Panel

Hi guys! In case you didn't know, I will be attending NYCC this week and will be attending on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

On Friday I will be Supergirl, Saturday is Junko Enoshima, and Sunday is Juliet Starling. 

On Saturday, I will be one of the panelists along with The Lionheart, Harajukuchick, Nathan Gonzalez, and Dozenfingers Photography (who made this awesome flyer) in the panel, "People of Disabilities in Cosplay" Panel. We will talk about our experiences and thoughts in this topic as well as a Q&A. Prizes will also be given out! It will be at room 1A05 from 4:15-5:15pm. Feel free to come by!